Category: breads


Two Purim Breads: Keylitsh and Boyoja Ungola di Purim

As a certified carb addict, I’ll never say no to an opportunity to bake some bread. Bread is probably not the first food you think of in association with Purim (or the second, or third), but it turns out there are a wealth of Purim bread-baking traditions in Jewish cultures worldwide.

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World Shabbat Breads: Berches, the First Braided Challah

Berches, a German Shabbat bread, is both like and unlike the challah we know and love in America today. Like challah, it’s braided. Unlike most contemporary American challah, it’s made with an eggless dough—and, in place of egg, often contains mashed potato for a softer texture. The resulting loaf is pleasingly light and chewy, with […]

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