Category: rosh hashanah

fritada de espinaca

Fritada de Espinaca

The first time I met my friend R., we got to talking about our shared love of Passover cooking. When I asked him what his favorite dishes were, he said I probably wouldn’t know then because they were Turkish. “Oh yeah?” I said. “Try me.”

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Moroccan Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin seems like the most all-American of vegetables. There’s jack-o’lanterns at Halloween, pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, and, these days, pumpkin spice lattes all fall long. But long before the advent of the Thanksgivukkah pumpkin donut, Sephardim and Italian Jews incorporated this festive gourd into their autumnal holiday meals. At Sukkot, Bukharians eat stuffed pumpkins while […]

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